Committee Search Screen (PATH 2)

If you click on the word “Committees” at the bottom of the first screen, you will be presented with the committ search screen. If you click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of this screen, you can search for a committee by

  •  committee name
  • committee ID
  • associated candidate IDs ( if any)
  • party
  • election cycle
  • designation (e.g., principal campaign committee of a candidate)
  • associated organization type (e.g., labor organization)
  • or committee type (e.g., so-called “Super PACs”)

For example, one can search for all so-called “Super PACs” by choosing the appropriate committee type from a spinner that appears when one touches the “committee type” text field of the search box.


One is then presented a screen with a list of the names of all the committees (along with their committee IDs)  that match the search criteria entered into the search box – in this case, a list of all Super PACs.



If you click on the “compose” icon in the lower left hand corner, you can email the results of the search you have seen so far in a CSV file.

If you click on the (?) icon in the lower left hand side of the screen, you will be presented with a popup screen detailing the features of this screen.

If you tap on the name of a committee that interests you, you will be taken to the committee screen for the chosen committee.